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"Telephone appointment was not very accurate"

A review of Mrs K Walker by Mrs Daphne Harris written on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016


I telephoned the above dental clinic on Monday, 22 Feb.2016 and was given an appointment at 12.45 p.m. with Steven Dacosta on the same day. On arrival at reception, I was given a form to fill in as I was a new patient. I handed in the completed form to reception and enquired whether the dental treatment would be on the NHS. She said "no" but stated that she needed to speak to one of the dentists. I was then taken into a surgery and one of the other dentists came to see me. He asked me a load of questions and then took me back to reception, where I was told that that the next appointment available for NHS patients would be in May 2016. This is clear discrimination against patients who are unable to afford private treatment. I am an disabled elderly lady, 82 yrs. of age, who found it difficult to get to the dental clinic on public transport, only to be told that I could not get NHS treatment when I needed it.

I felt like a second glass citizen..

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Mrs K Walker

Map showing Mrs K Walker on George Street